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A podcast about home computers of the late 70's through the 80's. NEW SPONSORSHIPS! 8-Bit Classics is a great place to get video cables, power supplies and more for a wide variety of vintage computer platforms. Arcade Shopper has a wide variety of hard-to-find items for a large number of platforms.

Mar 25, 2015

I’m particularly excited to be bringing you this 2-part episode because I will be covering the Atari 400 & 800 computers.  This first episode will cover the history of these machines and next month I will cover Web sites, emulation, books, software, magazines, tech specs, and much more.  Even more exciting, for both...

Mar 6, 2015

Evan Koblentz comes on and talks all about the upcoming Vintage Computer Festival East 10.0.


Special co-hosts Earl Evans (Retrobits & RCR) and Michael Mulhern (RCR).


Links and stuff: