Jan 25, 2016
The TI-99/4A - Tech Specs, Peripherals, Modern Upgrades with Tursi
This show is a continuation of the on-going series about the TI-99/4A computer. In the last couple of episodes, I had TI-99 fans Jim Fetzner and Mark Wills on the show and interviewed them about their experiences with the TI-99 and then we covered the history of the machine. In this show, I have a new co-host, Mike Brent, better known as Tursi or Harmless Lion, the creator of the Classic 99 emulator and so much more. After a short interview with Tursi, we discuss the technical aspects of the TI-99, including the tech specs, peripherals, modern upgrades, and connectivity to modern computers. It’s an information-filled show, so I hope you enjoy it.
Before we get into that, I’ll discuss a few new vintage computer-related acquisitions that have come my way, give you the scoop on upcoming shows, and share with you a few pieces of feedback I’ve received about the show from listeners.
Links Mentioned in the Show:
New Acquisitions
Upcoming Shows
Interview with Co-host
Modern Upgrades/Connectivity
The UberGROM is such an impressive piece of hardware that I don't believe even 50% of it's ultimate capability has yet been explored yet.
Also HDX daughterboards are available on my site as well. Tursi left out the fact that the UBERgrom he helped design is probably the most innovative addition to TI hardware and software. XB27 is only possible because of the UBERgrom. It can support a 512k flash ROM and multiple banks of GROM in a single cartridge. It is software upgradable/flashable on the TI directly for GROM banks. The ROM still requires flashing on a eprom burner.. We are still figuring out what we can do with the UBERgrom, it has allowed us to release different versions of Extended Basic and multicart images.,
Just to let you know the UBERgrom cards are also available for purchase at arcadeshopper.com also I have posted a blog entry there about your podcasts! Thank you for your great shows on the TI-99!