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A podcast about home computers of the late 70's through the 80's. NEW SPONSORSHIPS! 8-Bit Classics is a great place to get video cables, power supplies and more for a wide variety of vintage computer platforms. Arcade Shopper has a wide variety of hard-to-find items for a large number of platforms.

Dec 25, 2014

Main Topic: The TRS-80 Model II


At this point in the podcast run, we are still in the late 1970’s time frame, and the TRS-80 Model II falls into that time frame for its release.  As usual, we’ll cover the history, technical specs, peripherals, Web sites, books, emulation and much, much more.  I am joined by...

Nov 26, 2014

Main Topic: The OSI Challenger series of computers


At this point in the podcast run, we are still in the late 1970’s time frame, and the OSI machines fall into that time frame for their release.  No vintage computer historical journey would be complete without including these very important machines.  As usual,...

Nov 23, 2014

This is a special interview-only show with none other than Terry Stewart, aka Tezza, of the Web site.  Terry is long-time member of the vintage computing community and has done the community a great service by producing excellent videos about each member of his extensive vintage...

Oct 11, 2014

Special interview-only episode with Pepe Tozzo, author of Retro-Electro: Collecting Technology from Atari to Walkman.

Book "Retro-Electro: Collecting Technology from Atari to Walkman" at Amazon - 

Oct 4, 2014

News, upcoming vintage computer shows, feedback.  Special co-host Jim Battle of and audio clips from Graham and Garry Epps!


Main topic: The CompuColor II


Links Mentioned in the Show:


What I’ve Been Up To/New Acquisitions